Lynn Neil

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Hot Dawgz & Handrails and Arbor Family Reunion
It was a crazy weekend. I hitched a ride with Burton rider Alex Andrews and we drove his truck 10 hours to Big Bear, California. He had his motorcycle, and from Bear he left me with his truck to cruise to Hollywood where he got to hang out with his favorite pro skateboarder, Dylan Rieder. I tried my best to find a couch to sleep on, but everyone had moved from Bear, and the one person who lived there happened to be in the "Valley". So I cuddled up in Alex's truck and spent the night parked next to the zoo. I could hear the coyotes or wolves howling all night. It was way colder than I thought it'd be. The next day I walked around Bear a little before the Arbor team started showing up. I met everyone who rides for Arbor and the filmer and photographer. It was an awesome weekend; we watched our team riders (Scott Vine, Nick Visconti, Ian Sams, Cody Boan) slay it in the rail comp, had huge bomb meals, and just hung out all weekend. To be honest, I was overwhelmed. This is the first time I've been at something like this. To be a part of a company that is so big in the industry is just crazy. All the talent that was there is insane. I felt like I hardly fit in. I opened up a little bit more the second night. I can't wait to shred with all of them this winter! After a long weekend, Alex and I finally headed back home and got in at 5am Monday. Alex is off to Europe in a couple days to do a Video Grass Tour. I thought I had a crazy schedule, Alex has it way worse. Alex has come a long way since his days growing up here in Ogden. He now owns his own house in Salt Lake City. He rides on the pro team for Burton, Analog and Electric. It was cool digging into his brain a little bit and I got to know him a lot more after 20 hours on the road. I wish I had photos of the trip, but I dropped my phone in the toilet on the last day! I was devastated! My iPhone never woke up. Which is okay because now I'm paying half as much on a sprint smart phone. I love having internet on my phone, it's essential! So now it's wait for the snow and pray it comes early! I heard it's in the forcast!
Check out the Hot Dawgz and Hand Rails webcast replay at:
Sunday, September 18, 2011
One More Week
Down to my last week. I've been super active and have been taking advantage of the nice weather because I know it's not going to last much longer. I love this time of year when everyone is so excited about the upcoming season and you can't go anywhere without it being mentioned. There's a new video premier every weekend and the anxiety starts rising. This year the big one is The Art of Flight by Travis Rice. It's going to change snowboarding forever and help our sport go mainstream. Everyone should watch this video! In case you didn't know, I grew up with Travis and went to high school in Jackson with him. He was older, and I didn't really hang out with his crew, but I do remember being in Rob Kingwell's freestyle camp when I was in 7th grade and remember Travis boosting out of the pipe so big and his coach said, "This kid's going all the way." And today he is the man pushing the sport. He was the first to put doubles into competition, and he's the first to create a video so good that everyone, even people who don't watch snowboarding, will want to see. I'm proud to have grown up remotely near him in a little town in Wyoming.
It's definitely been a struggle keeping up my commitment to my goal. I've broken some rules here and there and have had some sad thoughts about how far off I was from my goal. I was doing great for the first half, and then found myself in a plateau. I went down to 133 lbs at the best, then went back up to 136, now I've been at 134-135 consistently for the past two weeks. After I noticed that, I got pretty sad, and broke my rules by drinking soda and eating some candy. I didn't gorge myself, so I am happy about that, and I feel good about getting back on track. I still want to try to get down to 130 consistently, but that will take even more dedication. I try to look in the mirror more, and that helps my motivation. I want to be completely fat-free and I've always had a lil' extra in the belly. I think girls with a slight six pack is sexy and I want to eventually have that. I'm going to have to change and be committed 110%. But I think I can do it. I just have to keep reminding myself of my potential.
So the Arbor photo shoot is next weekend and I am so excited! It's going to be a blast hanging out with the crew again and meeting more of the Arbor family. Stay tuned to see how it goes! And thanks for your support and reading my posts. During the winter I will have more exciting things to write about, so keep reading and watching the edits! Hopefully I will be the next Ski Utah Park Rat Blogger and you can keep up with me and the Utah scene through!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Week 5 Review
I'm not going to lie. I've been struggling. Sometimes all I want is a refreshing Dr. Pepper or an ice cream. I gave in the other day and had a "Skinny Cow" ice cream sandwich. I savored it for as long as I could. I haven't been loosing the weight as much anymore. I seem to be at a plateau. If I want to keep shedding the pounds, I've got to eat healthier and not give in to the temptations that surround me. I have a new job at a hotdog stand, so that will tie up my time a lot, and going to the gym is going to be harder. That's no excuse just means getting up earlier. I have a new goal of waking up at 8am every morning except my day off. I'm not use to that and the mornings seem to come so soon. But that's the sacrifice I have to make. Some people get up way earlier all the time, so I don't think I have it too bad! I'm down to the last couple weeks before I head out to Cali for an Arbor photoshoot. I have to stay on track and not loose my momentum if I want to look as good as possible. I know it will be hard, but I can do it! I've made it this far...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Halfway Point
Only 3 weeks left. It's go time. I'm going to work out harder and push myself everyday. I'm going to do more mountain biking, yoga and weight training. Now that I've lost the excess 8 pounds that was really unnecessary, I can loose the rest of the 7-10 pounds that I've been at before (but only a couple times and had trouble staying at it). So I know it's possible, but it might take longer than 3 weeks. I'm not going to be bummed out too bad if I don't reach my goal because if you set your goal high, then you'll probably come close. But if you don't even have a goal, then you're not going anywhere. I like the quote: "Reach for the moon, and you might land on a star." Either way, I've changed my life for the better. I feel better, look better and think better. After I reach my goal, my goal will be to keep it up, which is something I always slack in. But this time is different. It's now or never and if I want it to be now, it's so important to be in the best shape I can be in. I haven't had any soda or sweets in the past 3 weeks, and I'm going to act like a recovering addict and count it for the rest of my life. However, that's a very very long term goal, so I'll just stick to a more short term goal and see if I can go a year. I also want to keep being aware of what I'm eating. Keeping a balance in my diet is important to maintain energy and health.
It's amazing what my boyfriend has found when researching foods and what the FDA allows in our food. It's too horrifying to even tell you. So the more I know, the better I can eat and feel good about it. If you ever want to know more, a good book is "Natural Cures" by Kevin Trudeau. It will open your eyes to what our government doesn't tell you. Natural is always the way to go, and the more natural things you surround yourself with and put in your body, the better your life will be. The greed of mankind has corrupted our bodies and we are filled with more toxins than ever before. It's sad, but you can choose to do something about it. That's all you can really do, unless you want to pack up and move to the rainforest and live off the land...tempting.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Day 14: Two weeks down, four to go
Today was probably the best day I've had so far. I worked out hard, and ate light and healthy. It showed the next morning when I weighed 2 pounds less. I'm going to work out really hard every other day, so that the day in between I can rest a little for the next day. I don't want to overdo it and get burnt out. Here's the breakdown for today:
Weight: 136.6
Food: breakfast- 2 eggs (140 calories)
lunch- farfalle pasta with tomato sauce (420 calories)
snacks- banana and fiber one bar (245 calories)
dinner- baked chicken with potatoes, zuchini squash and mushrooms (576 calories)
Exercise: mountain biking- 1 and a half hours (465 calories)
physical therapy (calisthenics, weight lifting, circuit training)- 2 hours (417 calories)
Net Calories- 498 (under by a lot)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Days 11,12,13
These past few days have gone by so fast that it's hard to keep track of them. I can't believe it's been almost two weeks. Only four more to go until I head out to L.A. It's crunch time. The next couple weeks I have to work my ass off if I want to make my goal. I need to start eating better and less, get going on strength training and keep up with my cardio I've been doing. These next 10 pounds to lose are going to be hard, and I have to be self-disiplined if I want to succeed. It's the worst part about me, I cave in all the time. I have to remember why I'm doing this and know that it's so important for me to succeed as an athlete this winter. No more injuries!
Day 11:
Food- 1,680 calories
Exercise- 0 calories
Net calories- 1,680 (over)
Day 12:
Food- 2,239 calories
Exercise- 862 calories
Net calories- 1,377 (over)
Day 13:
Food- 1,529 calories
Exercise- 624 calories
Net calories- 905 (under)
On day 11 I relaxed and didn't do anything. It's important for the body to rest every every once in awhile. Right now while I'm not doing any strength training, it's not as important to rest every other day, but once I get into lifting weights more, I will want to rest the certain muscle groups so they have time to build up. Day 13 was a great day. I ate healthy, felt healthy, worked out longer and weighed less the next morning. There's just something in your body that rushes around when you get happy, and when it's been a rocky patch, that feeling feels really good and makes me want to keep going. I like feeling good about myself, wait, I take that back. I love feeling good about myself. I love feeling healthy and knowing that what I'm putting in my body is going to help me in the long run. Being healthy will help me be happier in life, which is everyone's goal, right? It's easy to be lazy and give in to the temptations in life, but eventually it starts to ware on you and you find yourself being more sad than happy. Easier said than done, though.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Ski Utah Park Rat Competition
Hey everyone! I need your help! is having a contest for the best person to blog on their website about the Utah terrain parks. Who better than me? So please vote on my video on the Ski Utah Yeti facebook page! Or just go to this link:
Every vote counts, so tell all your friends! If I win, I get a Utah Silver Season Pass which lets me go to any mountain for up to 30 days this winter! That would save me so much money in season passes!! And I would also get to blog once a week on a huge website! So please take a few minutes to vote on my video! Thanks so much!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Days 8,9,10
Wow it's hard to believe it's been ten days. I'm a quarter of the way there. Time flies. I've been doing really good with my diet...I haven't gone out of the way to make sure I'm eating the expensive healthy foods, but I have been making sure I eat only what I need and I haven't eaten any sweets or drank any soda. Usually, I drink one or two sodas per day. Cutting out soda alone will be a huge step for me. Here's how the past three days went:
Day 8
weight: 139.9
Food: 1,692
Exercise: 625
Net Calories: 1,067 (over)
Day 9
weight: 140.1
Food: 1,878 calories
Exercise: 813 calories
Net Calories: 1,064 (over)
Day 10
weight: 140.9
Food: 1,395 calories
Exercise: 168
Net Calories: 1,227 (over)
Even though I was over in my net calories, I came pretty close to my goal. I'm going to start working out a little more everyday and hopefully it will help shed the pounds.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day 7: Week 1 Review
This past week has had its ups and downs. I felt tired and sore after the first couple days of working out, but after about day 4, I started to get used to it. I actually have more energy now than I had before. I wake up before my alarm clock at 8 sometimes and don't feel so tired at night. I'm not as sluggish during the day and I actually look forward to going to the gym. Now that I'm past my phase of tiredness and procrastination, I can push forward with my training without hesitation. So my goal was to not eat any sweets, drink soda, or eat anything in excess. I accomplished the no soda goal and I don't think I ate too much except for maybe one day. The first day I couldn't stay away from that cupcake, and then the last day a chocolate chip cookie somehow made its way to my mouth. How'd that happen?! Well, like I said before, I'm not going to put myself in jail or dwell over a few mishaps here and there. As long as I keep exercising and burning calories, I will be happy. I accomplished my goal of loosing 2 pounds, I actually lost 3! I am now down to 140, but still have a long way to go, and I know the pounds later on are going to be harder to loose than these ones. I at least want to get to 130 which is where I usually am when I'm healthy. All I can do is to just stay on track, keep doing things and stay active and eat a well balanced diet. And of course stay motivated and happy and always keep my goal in my mind.
"If you reach for the moon, you might land on a star"
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Days 4,5,6
Day 4:
weight: 140.8 lbs.
Food: 1,029 calories
Exercise: 153 calories
Net Calories: 876 (under)
Day 5:
weight: 140.4
Food: 1,326 calories
Exercise: 119 calories
Net Calories: 1,207 (over)
Day 6:
weight: 141
Food: 1,610 calories
Exercise: 665 calories
Net Calories: 36 (under)
The days that I don't go to the gym or do a physical activity, I need to make sure I eat really healthy. I went over my goal of 944 net calories per day on day 5 because I didn't make it to the gym. But that's not a very good excuse because I could've done something during the day even if it's at-home exercises. I feel good now that I worked out hard today. And tomorrow I have lots of picking weeds in the yard to do so I'm sure that will burn lots of calories.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Day 3
Day 3 was pretty rough on me. I ate some yogurt and granola with a banana in the morning and then felt sick all day. Not sure if it was that particular food, or I just got sick, but at the end of the day I threw up everything I ate for the day. So I guess I won't count today's calories. I was exhausted and sore, but still managed to snowboard a little. Every Saturday, we get snow from the ice rink and set up our boxes and rail in the park. It's a lot of fun, but super tiring because it's so hot out. That might have been part of the sickness too...not sure. But after puking I felt much better so I hope tomorrow will be fine, because we're headed to Bear Lake for my mom's birthday!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Day 2
Day 2 was a little easier than the first day. I was extremely sore when I woke up, but did some light stretching to loosen up. I definitely didn't have the energy I had on day 1, but that didn't stop me from going to the gym and doing my workout. Here's how the day went:
Food: (2,090 calories)
Breakfast- egg and cheese breakfast panini with cheese (780 calories)
Lunch- peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a protein shake (490 calories)
Dinner- 2 slices of Hawaiian pizza (680 calories)
Snack- Fiber One chocolate granola bar (140 calories)
Exercise: (681 calories)
Biking- 30 min (238 calories)
Elliptical- 30 min (238 calories)
Stretching- 30 min (51 calories)
Weight lifting- arms 30 min (68 calories)
Biking around town- 15 min (85 calories)
2,090 calories consumed- 681 calories burned=1,409 Calories which is 415 over my goal. I have to remember that these are just estimates and that these numbers are just here to guide me and to make me aware of what I'm eating. I'm not going to take any of this to heart, and I know that if I stick to my goal of staying active everyday and eating healthy I can accomplish my ultimate long term goal.
Food: (2,090 calories)
Breakfast- egg and cheese breakfast panini with cheese (780 calories)
Lunch- peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a protein shake (490 calories)
Dinner- 2 slices of Hawaiian pizza (680 calories)
Snack- Fiber One chocolate granola bar (140 calories)
Exercise: (681 calories)
Biking- 30 min (238 calories)
Elliptical- 30 min (238 calories)
Stretching- 30 min (51 calories)
Weight lifting- arms 30 min (68 calories)
Biking around town- 15 min (85 calories)
2,090 calories consumed- 681 calories burned=1,409 Calories which is 415 over my goal. I have to remember that these are just estimates and that these numbers are just here to guide me and to make me aware of what I'm eating. I'm not going to take any of this to heart, and I know that if I stick to my goal of staying active everyday and eating healthy I can accomplish my ultimate long term goal.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Day 1
Whew! Made it through the first day. I am exhausted! I stayed active pretty much the whole day, but my cousin was in town which forced us to eat out. I try to avoid eating out whenever possible because most restaurants cook their food with lots of grease and butter and MSG. Things were going great until my sister broke out these cupcakes that were made by a special cupcake factory and she basically forced it down my throat! Okay, so that last part wasn't true, but I caved in and ate one. That was a one time thing and I promise it won't happen again!!! I'm not all about changing EVERYTHING, but my goals are to cut out all soda, sweets, and grease. I want to cut down my dairy and bread intake. And the number one rule to losing weight is to make sure you burn as many calories as you take in. So thanks to my iPhone app Lose It, I can easily see what my estimated calorie intake and output is. According to it, I have to lose 2 lbs per week which means my calorie intake per day shouldn't be more than 994. And this only gets me to my goal by Oct. 13 or something, but I'm okay with that. I still want to stay healthy and losing too much weight at one time is definitely not healthy. Here is my breakdown for day 1:
Weight: 143 (eek!)
Food: 2,085 calories
Breakfast- 2 eggs, slice of white bread with butter (208 calories)
Lunch- Protein shake, Bolthouse chocoloate whey and soy (280 calories)
Snack- Corn on the cob with butter, and grapes, cupcake (451 calories)
Dinner- Chicken fettucini alfredo with french bread (1,145 calories)
Exercise: 661 Calories
Yoga- 1 hour (128 calories)
Elliptical- 25 min (199 calories)
Stationary Bike- 25 min (199 calories)
Walking- about an hour total (136 calories)
2,085 calories intake-661 calories burned=1,423 Net Calories
According to my Lose It app, my goal is 994, so I was 430 calories over today. Not the best first day, but I am going to ease into this so that I don't get burnt out. My long term goal is to keep up this healthy lifestyle. I usually do good for awhile, but then it falls apart and the roller coaster starts coasting downhill real fast. My cheating today didn't help either and I am really disappointed in myself. I hope I can control whatever else crosses my path in the future! Hopefully day 2 will be better.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Beach Body Challenge
Lately, I've been bad about what I've been eating. Bad eating habits combined with lack of exercise has resulted in a significant weight gain. I'm not ashamed to admit it. And I think making it public and letting you all in on my goal of weighing 125 pounds again will help my motivation of actually doing it. I have a photo shoot with Arbor at the Hot Dawgs and Handrails contest September 23 and I want to look good. Hopefully I can sneak some L.A. and beach time in too. I realized it's coming up quick and need to get my ass in gear! So here I am writing this on a whim. Everyday, I'll let you know how much I weigh, what I ate that day, and what kind of exercise I did. Over the years I've learned a lot about health and being fit and living an active lifestyle. I've tried many different programs and been to many different health seminars. I'll put all that into action over the next 44 days until I go to Cali. I'm sure everyone (or most normal people) go through slumps, and I've been in one pretty much ever since I got back from Mt. Hood. But it's time to turn it around and go back to becoming a healthy, strong and energetic person. In other words, I need to turn back into an athlete. It's important to me and I want to commit to this 100%. I don't even care if nobody reads this, but if you are thanks for your support and watch as I strive to reach my goal of weighing 125 lbs by September 23. You can also try what I do and see if it works for you. Who knows, maybe we can all help each other, and if you're trying to lose weight, do it with me! I'm not going to change things dramatically, but I definitely need to be true to my word and commit all the way. If I lie, I'm only cheating myself. So tomorrow let the challenge begin!
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